Monday, August 26, 2013

Beat, Mind & Alive

Beat Mind & Alive Association was created in July 2013 following a youth exchange in Graz Austria. This "Youth In Action" project about Hip Hop featured young professionals from France, England, Austria and Poland. This collective group of international artists joined together by music & hip hop have a passion for their art form and wish to share it with as many people around the globe.

Artists in BMA are skilled in a variety of pop-culture disciplines which include, Hip Hop, Rap, Djing, Dance, Graff, Beat making and Beat boxing etc. They wish to bridge the cultural gap between popular and traditional cultural expressions of arts through the individual and collective experiences of the group. One of the common thread of all the performers of the group is utilizing this art form as a medium for conflict resolution, improve communication and expression of self.

BMA activities include seminars, workshops, simulation exercises and live performances that includes parents and children. BMA look at the challenges youths experience such as juggling family life, school, peer pressures and trying to make decisions about what their professional life should be.

BMA is supported by the Youth In Action program of the European Commission. Promoting integration, cohesion and mobilization of European youths. We have been given the chance to explore further afield and wish to do so in the Caribbean starting with St. Martin, in the French West Indies. This would maximize our interest in cultural exchange. We want to continue to promote positive relationships between Europe and the Territories that boast rich and vibrant cultures.

BMA hope to visit St. Martin in February/March 2014 for a period of 10 days. This period will be used to develop a training program that focuses on the values and principles of hip hop, its origins, impact and benefits. The workshops are designed for children, teens and adults; so parents are invited to sign up with their children. The seminar will culminate in a performance and all participants are welcome to perform at the end of the period.

There will be two Jam Sessions that will include dance, singing, dj, the graff, draw, video, photography, beat boxing etc. In return we hope to share in the local knowledge of traditional dance, music and history of the island.

Persons and groups wishing to participate in BMA 2014 Seminar please send email to / tel: 876-942-9693 mob: 876-405-2800

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