Thursday, July 22, 2021

Many Performing Artists Will Survive This Pandemic! Some Won't!!!

Kofi Walker

As informative as this article is "Will Covid Shots Drive Mutated Variants?" Which I am reposting! We (Jamaicans and 3rd world countries) are powerless to the decision to take the vaccine. It is now the new policy for many companies including major government agencies requiring proof of vaccination to maintain your state of employment or to be employed! It is becoming as common as the requirement for a food handlers permit to serve food and beverages to the public. Teachers can not go back to the classroom come September unvaccinated! Pharmaceutical lobbyists as well as other invested parties are doing quite well!

My Mom is adamant she will not take Moderna nor Pfizer! She wants the Johnson & Johnson 1 shot! I have not taken any vaccines also! Admittedly I’m sceptic. Even if we were eager to take the vaccines sooner, the challenges to do so are exhausterbating. Though I have signed up online for the vaccine, we have not been contacted. Though I have consulted with our local clinic, we have been referred to go online, the number of calls to the "Covid help line" is a waste of phone credit. Majority of persons would rather save the phone credit to call their loved ones in the diaspora for help, to aid them with food, utility bills, medications for the sick, and elderly or for the dead!

I have been out of work; since March 12, 2020 and there are NO social programs for many Jamaicans who have been affected by this pandemic. Somehow, though there are serious social and economical challenges, Jamaicans in charge of governing this nation (am unsure if it is) an attempt to be strong in the face of adversity, but our political advocates seem to be ignoring a significant part of the nation that is seriously struggling and even social organizations such as churches are overwhelmed with the demands for help.

Our Finance Minister in a recent presentation on National TV expressed to the nation, 'once they are over 60 years old, have been vaccinated they can apply for a grant of $10,000.00 JA dollars!' That is not even enough for a week supply of food for many families in Jamaica. You would also have to apply online! How many poor rural families can afford to; let alone have the resources to do so? This highlights the level of disconnect between our political representatives and the common people. Dr. Clarke $10,000.00 JA dollars can't feed 50 'day ole' chickens for the layman market!

I’m anti-politics, but tonight I reached out to a ambitious politician who jumped ship from PNP – JLP, I offered my services to support her campaign because I am hoping to get some well needed support! Even though she is not campaigning in my area! But one has to find a way to become relevant or even more so, in this new climate, seek to find new purpose in life to ascertain acknowledgment and or maintain survival.

Today some people allegedly, spent more than 6 hours at the local clinic waiting on the dispensation of free medication. I got 5 of 9 meds! That took lots of patience… I gave in the prescription from yesterday! Others were complaining that they gave theirs in since Monday! So I was blessed, I waited less than 3 hours. I take my hat off to our frontline workers, these pharmacist at our local clinics sometimes dispenses up to 300 prescriptions per day and with accuracy (allegedly)!!!

Our PM is about to shut down the country again!!! That will without a doubt affect our DITP (Dance In the Park) activities. His security details has stepped up since the assassination of the Haitian PM also. So this region is on the verge of new realities.

I am just wondering how many more inflations, lockdowns, ZOSO's and inequality we can take before we explode? I'm trying to survive it all. And I hope you do the same!

Love, light, guidance and respect!